SET 39 Call For Papers

¿Eres un hacker? Si deseas pasar a formar parte de la historia del hacking hispano, colabora con la próxima edición de SET 39 enviándonos un artículo. No esperes más, esta es tu oportunidad de demostrar lo que sabes. Ayúdanos a construir una revista de hackers para hackers. SET Staff

Las mejores publicaciones en ingles / FEH


Autor: El Duke

Aqui estamos otra vez con esta seccion y otra vez con una de las publicaciones
clasicas en el mundo hacker de alto nivel. La FEH (Fuxin' Eleet Haxors) Una 
de las mejores y mas completas. Con muy buenos articulos tecnicos, de opinion
e incluso de humor.

La FEH editada por ReDragon uno de los grandes gurus del hacking de estos      
ultimos tiempos, y con la colaboracion de muchos de los mas conocidos
hackers de la scene: Hotrod, SnoCrash, Seven Eleven, gheap, Morph, Tele 
Monster, x0x, foo, Okinawa, HoD, john0, SnoNinja, Kamakize, Mythrandir,
t3, etc...

Y os preguntareis por que hago tanto hincapie en los nombres de los 
colaboradores. Lo hago para que os vayan sonando estos nombres, es una
especie de introduccion a la scene hack. Si quereis llegar a ser buenos
hackers teneis que empezar a conocer a la elite del hacking, para que
cuando entreis en los canales de irc de los grandes grupos sepais con
quien merece la pena hablar.

Espero que dentro de pocos a€os vuestros nombres empiecen a sonar en la
scene con tanta fuerza como lo hacen los nombres que os acabo de mencionar.

Los sites oficiales donde podeis encontrarla son:
y en
Tambien en el site de Underhack en su seccion de Revistas encontrareis
links a esta y otras publicaciones de interes.
[La direccion de Underhack]

PUNTUACION: 9 (sobre 10)

* Articulos recomendados

Y ahora el indice:

                               Issue #1
                            July 1st, 1995

Table of Contents:
 1.  Intro (you've already read that part if you've gotten this far)
 2.  Table of Contents (maximum recursion depth exceeded)
 3.  Editorial by Fuxin' Eleet Haxors
 4.  /var/spool/mail/feh
 5.  Some C code by Fuxin' Eleet Haxors
 6.  hack logs by Fuxin' Eleet Haxors
 7.  "Just how eleet is FEH" by Rasputin Worldmonger (thats not his real nick)
 8.  "Teleconf stuff" by Morph (ed: this was too complicated, i didnt read it)
 9.  "Ways to amuse yerself" by Rush2 (other than masturbating)
10.  "The Tack Story" by Hotrod
11.  "The Birth of FEH" by SnoCrash
12.  An Interview with Dale Drew [part 1] by ReDragon
* 13.  "How to Hack Using Scripts [part 1] by Seven Eleven
14.  "How to Hack a Toaster Oven" by bl0ke

                               Issue #2
                           September 24th, 1995

Table of Contents:
General Stuff
    Table of Contents
Technical Articles:
*   Fast TCP/IP Introduction     by ReDragon
    IP Fragmenting               by Anon
    Mail Clobber                 by gheap
    Acrofile Plus                by Morph
    Hacker Light Show            by Tele Monster
Entertaining Articles:
    Hackers Review               by Juliet
    Eleetness of Garage Sales    by x0x
    Installing Sendmail          by foo
    Pumpcon IV Info              by Okinawa
    Pizza Hut Hacking            by HoD
    Weird Al Logs                by john0
    Why Someone is lame          by SnoCrash
    Hacking a Light Switch       by Dhate
    Eleetness of AOL hackers     by Minuteman
    How to Be Eleet              by b0b
    How to Destroy Pac-Man       by Hotrod
    Urination, A Poem            by y
Serious Commentary:
    Trust Among Hackers          by ReDragon
    GUI mentality                by Krosis & ReDragon
    The Evil GUI                 by Krosis
    The Unabomber Manifesto      by FC

                               Issue #3
                          November 9th, 1995

Table of Contents:
General Stuff
    Table of Contents
Technical Articles:
    FOVC C code                  by Ho' DeFone
    TCP Decode in Perl           by entropy
*   SnifFTP                      by ReDragon
Entertaining Articles:
    CERT Advisories              by b0b & casret
    Urban Cow Tipping            by Anonymous
    The REAL #hack FAQ           by t3
    Sekrets of the Superhacker   by morph
    A Sick Article               by xgirl & gwar
    A Poem                       by y
    A Pumpcon Review             by y
    A REAL Pumpcon Review        by Hotrod
    A Bedtime Story              by LANsharc
    The Pantomine Horses         by y
    A0L Spools
    Some other random spool

                               Issue #4
                         December 26th, 1995

Table of Contents:
General Stuff:
    Table of Contents
Technical Articles:
   A Guide to CIPSO                        by Mythrandir
   Linux 'mail-x' Security Holes           by FEH Staff
   Linux 'restorefont' Security Holes      by FEH Staff
   Linux 'filter' Security Holes           by FEH Staff
*  IRC DCC Protocol Security Holes         by FEH Staff
   Example Packet Construction Code        by SnoNinja
Serious Articles:
   Breakfast with the Secret Service       by Kamakize
   Some Thoughts on Hacking                by Mythrandir
*  Gray Areas:  Who's on your side?        by FEH Staff
Entertaining Articles:
   #hack Quotes                            by SnoNinja
   The Word List                           by Allen 3. Smith
   Macs vs. PCs                            by nicotine
   Haxoring an ATM Machine                 by shadow tao
   Department Store Paging                 by Tele Monster
   The Tales of Oof                        by t3
   The Elite Speak Filter                  by SnoNinja
   DefCon Reviews and Other Thoughts       by Zeed

                                                      El Duke de Sicilia