LecturasSET 21
149779 visitas
- Contenidos - SET Staff
- Editorial - Editor
- Noticias - SET Staff
- Bazar de SET - Varios Autores
- Como crackear Hexworkshop 1.0 (bazar) - Dark Angel
- Hackeando Screenlock (bazar) - 221bo"sKt
- Walker - Compuserve 3.0 Password Decrypter (bazar) - m0f0
- Tarjeta Universal UNI2 (bazar) - GND
- Cazando Fantasmas (Caller-ID Cutre) (bazar) - Maikel
- Revision del emu de TPT de JM Garcia (bazar) - +NetBuL
- Denial Of Service: Buffer Overflows Remotos (bazar) - Obocaman
- BookMarks - SET Staff
- En El Quiosco Virtual - SET Staff
- En linea con... ArMaND VanHell - GND
- Del PGP al Foton. Presente y Futuro - SiuL+Hacky
- Curso de Novell Netware Aps III & IV - Madfran
- Proyectos, peticiones, avisos - SET Staff
- ASM y Buffer Overflows - Doing
- The Bugs Top 10 - Falken
- UNDERCON III: El Hack Hispano se reune - GND
- SET Inbox - Paseante
- TEMPEST: Como nos vigilan? - Krip7ik
- SIMO 99: Que hay de nuevo? - SET Staff
- El Ultimo paquete - Paseante
- Terminales Graficas - FCA00000
- La Biblioteca del Hacker - SET Staff
- Crackeando L0pthcrack 2.0 - Madfran
- Jakin para anormales - Jnzero
- Real como la vida misma: Detenido! - SET Staff
- Fuentes Extract - SET Staff
- Llaves PGP - SET Staff
Fuentes Extract
Autor: SET Staff
-[ 0x14 ]-------------------------------------------------------------------- -[ SET-EXT ]----------------------------------------------------------------- -[ by SET Staff ]-----------------------------------------------------SET-21- Aqui viene lo de siempre, como os podreis imaginar mi tiempo es limitado y yo ni siquiera prometo que tenga o vaya tener tiempo de actualizar este codigo. Esperemos que ahora que Falken esta liberado pues lo retoque algo como prometia. Pero ya veremos. Si os da y actualizais algo vosotros pues nada nos enviais una copia. <++> utils/extract.c /* extract.c by Phrack Staff and sirsyko * * (c) Phrack Magazine, 1997 * 1.8.98 rewritten by route: * - aesthetics * - now accepts file globs * todo: * - more info in tag header (file mode, checksum) * Extracts textfiles from a specially tagged flatfile into a hierarchical * directory strcuture. Use to extract source code from any of the articles * in Phrack Magazine (first appeared in Phrack 50). * * gcc -o extract extract.c * * ./extract file1 file2 file3 ... */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <string.h> #include <dirent.h> #define BEGIN_TAG "<++> " #define END_TAG "<-->" #define BT_SIZE strlen(BEGIN_TAG) #define ET_SIZE strlen(END_TAG) struct f_name { u_char name[256]; struct f_name *next; }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { u_char b[256], *bp, *fn; int i, j = 0; FILE *in_p, *out_p = NULL; struct f_name *fn_p = NULL, *head = NULL; if (argc < 2) { printf("Usage: %s file1 file2 ... filen\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } /* * Fill the f_name list with all the files on the commandline (ignoring * argv[0] which is this executable). This includes globs. */ for (i = 1; (fn = argv[i++]); ) { if (!head) { if (!(head = (struct f_name *)malloc(sizeof(struct f_name)))) { perror("malloc"); exit(1); } strncpy(head->name, fn, sizeof(head->name)); head->next = NULL; fn_p = head; } else { if (!(fn_p->next = (struct f_name *)malloc(sizeof(struct f_name)))) { perror("malloc"); exit(1); } fn_p = fn_p->next; strncpy(fn_p->name, fn, sizeof(fn_p->name)); fn_p->next = NULL; } } /* * Sentry node. */ if (!(fn_p->next = (struct f_name *)malloc(sizeof(struct f_name)))) { perror("malloc"); exit(1); } fn_p = fn_p->next; fn_p->next = NULL; /* * Check each file in the f_name list for extraction tags. */ for (fn_p = head; fn_p->next; fn_p = fn_p->next) { if (!(in_p = fopen(fn_p->name, "r"))) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open input file %s.\n", fn_p->name); continue; } else fprintf(stderr, "Opened %s\n", fn_p->name); while (fgets(b, 256, in_p)) { if (!strncmp (b, BEGIN_TAG, BT_SIZE)) { b[strlen(b) - 1] = 0; /* Now we have a string. */ j++; if ((bp = strchr(b + BT_SIZE + 1, '/'))) { while (bp) { *bp = 0; mkdir(b + BT_SIZE, 0700); *bp = '/'; bp = strchr(bp + 1, '/'); } } if ((out_p = fopen(b + BT_SIZE, "w"))) { printf("- Extracting %s\n", b + BT_SIZE); } else { printf("Could not extract '%s'.\n", b + BT_SIZE); continue; } } else if (!strncmp (b, END_TAG, ET_SIZE)) { if (out_p) fclose(out_p); else { fprintf(stderr, "Error closing file %s.\n", fn_p->name); continue; } } else if (out_p) { fputs(b, out_p); } } } if (!j) printf("No extraction tags found in list.\n"); else printf("Extracted %d file(s).\n", j); return (0); } /* EOF */ <-->