LecturasSET 5
81213 visitas
- Contenidos - SET Staff
- Presentacion - Editor
- El bug del mes - Red
- Curso de hacking empezando desde cero I - Eljaker
- Traceo de llamadas en infovia - El Duke
- Telefonos de algunas redes con numero en Espa~a - Anonimo
- Indice de la revista Phrack. #40-49 - El Duke
- Hackers, phreackers y piratas - Gordon Meyer
- Avisos, peticiones, etc... - SET Staff
- Ser o no ser un hacker? - Francisco Jose Hurtado
- Despedida - Editor
Indice de la revista Phrack. #40-49
Autor: El Duke
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII o 07. Indice de la revista Phrack. Numeros 40 al 49 o IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Aunque nuestra publicacion es en espa€ol, no podemos olvidar a Phrack la revista electronica sobre hacking en ingles mas famosa del mundo (Despues de la nuestra :-) y la que muchos piensan que es la mejor. Por eso hemos decidido hacer un indice de los numeros mas actuales, los ultimos 9 numeros aparecidos de esta revista. Datos sobre la revista: ----------------------- Phrack Magazine 603 W. 13th #1A-278 (Direccion de correo) Austin, TX 78701 ftp.fc.net (FTP) /pub/phrack http://www.fc.net/phrack (WWW) phrack@well.com (Direccion e-mail) Indice: ------- * Los articulos con un asterisco son de recomendada lectura. (Cortesia de el duke) -= Phrack 40 =- Table Of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Introduction by Dispater 06K 2. Phrack Loopback by Dispater and Mind Mage 50K 3. Phrack Pro-Phile on Lex Luthor by Taran King 36K 4. Network Miscellany by The Racketeer [HFC] 32K 5. Pirates Cove by Rambone 57K 6 Cellular Telephony, Part II by Brian Oblivion * 72K 7. The Fine Art of Telephony by Crimson Flash * 65K 8. BT Tymnet, Part 1 of 3 by Toucan Jones 57K 9. BT Tymnet, Part 2 of 3 by Toucan Jones 55K 10. BT Tymnet, Part 3 of 3 by Toucan Jones 91K 11. SummerCon 1992 by Knight Lightning and Dispater 35K 12. PWN/Part 1 by Datastream Cowboy 50K 13. PWN/Part 2 by Datastream Cowboy 48K 14. PWN/Part 3 by Datastream Cowboy 48K Total: 702K -= Phrack 41 =- Table Of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Introduction by Dispater 07K 2. Phrack Loopback by Dispater and Mind Mage 52K 3. Phrack Pro-Phile on Supernigger 10K 4. Network Miscellany by The Racketeer [HFC] 35K 5. Pirates Cove by Rambone 32K 6 Hacking AT&T System 75 by Scott Simpson 20K 7. How To Build a DMS-10 Switch by The Cavalier 23K 8. TTY Spoofing by VaxBuster * 20K 9. Security Shortcomings of AppleShare Networks by Bobby Zero 16K 10. Mall Cop Frequencies by Caligula XXI 11K 11. PWN/Part 1 by Datastream Cowboy 46K 12. PWN/Part 2 by Datastream Cowboy 49K 13. PWN/Part 3 by Datastream Cowboy 43K Total: 364K -= Phrack 42 =- Table Of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Introduction by The Editor 14K 2. Phrack Loopback / Editorial Page / Line Noise 48K 3. Phrack Pro-Phile on Lord Digital 22K 4. Packet Switched Network Security by Chris Goggans 22K 5 Tymnet Diagnostic Tools by Professor Falken 35K 6. A User's Guide to XRAY by NOD 11K 7. Useful Commands for the TP3010 Debug Port by G. Tenet 28K 8. Sprintnet Directory Part I by Skylar 49K 9. Sprintnet Directory Part II by Skylar 45K 10. Sprintnet Directory Part III by Skylar 46K 11. Guide to Encryption by The Racketeer [HFC] 32K 12. The Freedom Of Information Act and You by Vince Niel 42K 13. HoHoCon from Various Sources 51K 14. PWN by Datastream Cowboy 29K Total: 474K -= Phrack 43 =- Table Of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Introduction by The Editor 24K 2. Phrack Loopback Part I 38K 3. Phrack Loopback Part II / Editorial 44K 4. Line Noise Part I 39K 5. Line Noise Part II 43K 6. Phrack Pro-Phile on Doctor Who 15K 7. Conference News Part I by Various Sources 53K 8. Conference News Part II by Various Sources 58K 9. How To Hack Blackjack (Part I) by Lex Luthor 52K 10. How To Hack Blackjack (Part II) by Lex Luthor 50K 11. Help for Verifying Novell Security by Phrack Staff * 48K 12. My Bust (Part I) by Robert Clark * 56K 13. My Bust (Part II) by Robert Clark * 55K 14. Playing Hide and Seek, Unix Style by Phrack Accident 31K 15. Physical Access and Theft of PBX Systems by Co/Dec 28K 16. Guide to the 5ESS by Firm G.R.A.S.P. * 63K 17. Cellular Info by Madjus (N.O.D.) * 47K 18. LODCOM BBS Archive Information 24K 19. LODCOM Sample Messages 52K 20. Step By Step Guide To Stealing a Camaro by Spy Ace 21K 21. Acronyms Part I by Firm G.R.A.S.P. 50K 22. Acronyms Part II by Firm G.R.A.S.P. 51K 23. Acronyms Part III by Firm G.R.A.S.P. 45K 24. Acronyms Part IV by Firm G.R.A.S.P. 52K 25. Acronyms Part V by Firm G.R.A.S.P. 46K 26. International Scene by Various Sources 51K 27. Phrack World News by Datastream Cowboy 24K Total: 1152K -= Phrack 44 =- Table Of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Introduction by The Editor 16K 2. Phrack Loopback / Editorial 57K 3. Line Noise Part I 51K 4. Line Noise Part II 35K 5. Computer Cop Prophile by The Grimmace 22K 6. Conference News Part I by Various Sources 55K 7. Conference News Part II by Various Sources 35K 8. Conference News Part III by Various Sources 50K 9. Intro to Packet Radio by Larry Kollar * 16K 10. The Moeller Papers 30K 11. Sara Gordon v. Kohntark Part I 12K 12. Sara Gordon v. Kohntark Part II 47K 13. Northern Telecom's FMT-150B/C/D by FyberLyte 16K 14. A Guide to Data General's AOS/VS Part I by Herd Beast 46K 15. A Guide to Data General's AOS/VS Part II by Herd Beast 50K 16. An Interview With Agent Steal by Agent 005 14K 17. Visionary - The Story About Him by Visionary 23K 18. Searching The Dialog Information Service by Al Capone 48K 19. Northern Telecom's SL-1 by Iceman 30K 20. Safe and Easy Carding by VaxBuster 18K 21. Datapac by Synapse 36K 22. An Introduction to the Decserver 200 By Opticon 16K 23. LOD Communications BBS Archive Information 29K 24. MOD Family Portrait 35K 25. Gail Takes A Break 49K 26. International Scenes by Various Sources 25K 27. Phrack World News by Datastream Cowboy 22K Total: 882K -= Phrack 45 =- Table Of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Introduction by The Editor 17K 2. Phrack Loopback Part I 31K 3. Phrack Loopback Part II / Editorial 40K 4. Line Noise Part I 49K 5. Line Noise Part II 50K 6. Line Noise Part III 59K 7. Phrack Prophile on Control C 22K 8. Running a BBS on X.25 by Seven Up 15K 9. No Time for Goodbyes by Emmanuel Goldstein 21K 10. Security Guidelines * 55K 11. Ho Ho Con Miscellany by Various Sources 32K 12. Quentin Strikes Again by The Omega and White Knight 28K 13. 10th Chaos Computer Congress by Manny E. Farber 23K 14. Defcon II information 26K 15. VMS Information by Various Sources 34K 16. DCL BBS PROGRAM by Raoul 23K 17. Hollywood-Style Bits & Bytes by Richard Goodwin 50K 18. Fraudulent Applications of 900 Services by Co/Dec 15K 19. Screwing Over Your Local McDonald's by Charlie X 20K 20. The Senator Markey Hearing Transcripts 72K 21. The Universal Data Converter by Maldoror 45K 22. BOX.EXE - Box Program for Sound Blaster by The Fixer 13K 23. Introduction To Octel's ASPEN by Optik Nerve 12K 24. Radio Free Berkeley Information 35K 25. The MCX7700 PABX System by Dr. Delam 22K 26. Cellular Debug Mode Commands by Various Sources * 13K 27. International Scenes by Various Sources 63K 28. Phrack World News by Datastream Cowboy 17K Total: 902K -= Phrack 46 =- Table Of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Introduction by The Editor 17K 2. Phrack Loopback / Editorial 52K 3. Line Noise 61K 4. Line Noise 56K 5. Phrack Prophile on Minor Threat 12K 6. Paid Advertisement 62K 7. Paid Advertisement (cont) 45K 8. The Wonderful World of Pagers by Erik Bloodaxe 24K 9. Legal Info by Szechuan Death 13K 10. A Guide to Porno Boxes by Carl Corey 13K 11. Unix Hacking - Tools of the Trade by The Shining 42K 12. The fingerd Trojan Horse by Hitman Italy * 32K 13. The Phrack University Dialup List 12K 14. A Little About Dialcom by Herd Beast 29K 15. VisaNet Operations Part I by Ice Jey 50K 16. VisaNet Operations Part II by Ice Jey 44K 17. Gettin' Down 'N Dirty Wit Da GS/1 by Maldoror & Dr. Delam 25K 18. Startalk by The Red Skull 21K 19. Cyber Christ Meets Lady Luck Part I by Winn Schwartau 45K 20. Cyber Christ Meets Lady Luck Part II by Winn Schwartau 42K 21. The Groom Lake Desert Rat by PsychoSpy 44K 22. HOPE by Erik Bloodaxe 51K 23. Cyber Christ Bites the Big Apple by Winn Schwartau 60K 24. The ABCs of Better Hotel Staying by Seven Up 12K 25. AT&T Definity System 75/85 by Erudite 13K 26. Keytrap v1.0 Keyboard Key Logger by Dcypher 35K 27. International Scenes by Various Sources 44K 28. Phrack World News by Datastream Cowboy 38K Total: 996K -= Phrack 47 =- Table Of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Introduction by The Editor 16K 2. Phrack Loopback / Editorial 52K 3. Line Noise 59K 4. Line Noise 65K 5. The #hack FAQ (Part 1) by Voyager * 39K 6. The #hack FAQ (Part 2) by Voyager * 38K 7. The #hack FAQ (Part 3) by Voyager * 51K 8. The #hack FAQ (Part 4) by Voyager * 47K 9. DEFCon Information 28K 10. HoHoCon by Netta Gilboa 30K 11. HoHoCon by Count Zero 33K 12. HoHo Miscellany by Various Sources 33K 13. An Overview of Prepaid Calling Cards by Treason 29K 14. The Glenayre GL3000 Paging and Voice Retrieval System by Armitage 25K 15. Complete Guide to Hacking Meridian Voice Mail by Substance 10K 16. DBS Primer from American Hacker Magazine 45K 17. Your New Windows Background (Part 1) by The Man 39K 18. Your New Windows Background (Part 2) by The Man 46K 19. A Guide To British Telecom's Caller ID Service by Dr. B0B 31K 20. A Day in The Life of a Warez Broker by Xxxx Xxxxxxxx 13K 21. International Scenes by Various Sources 40K 22. Phrack World News by Datastream Cowboy 38K Total: 808K -= Phrack 48 =- Table Of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Introduction by the Editorial Staff 13K 2. Phrack Loopback / Editorial 55K 3. Line Noise (Part I) 63K 4. Line Noise (Part II) 51K 5. Phrack Pro-Philes on the New Editors 23K 6. Motorola Command Mode Information by Cherokee * 38K 7. Tandy / Radio Shack Cellular Phones by Damien Thorn 43K 8. The Craft Access Terminal by Boss Hogg 36K 9. Information About NT's FMT-150/B/C/D by StaTiC 22K 10. Electronic Telephone Cards (Part I) 39K 11. Electronic Telephone Cards (Part II) 66K 12. Keytrap Revisited by Sendai 13K 13. Project Neptune by Daemon9 52K 14. IP-Spoofing Demystified by Daemon9 * 25K 15. Netmon by Daemon9 21K 16. The Truth...and Nothing but the Truth by Steve Fleming 19K 17. International Scenes by Various Sources 33K 18. Phrack World News by Datastream Cowboy 21K Total: 633K -= Phrack 49 =- Table Of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Introduction 07K 2. Phrack loopback 06K 3. Line Noise 65K 4. Phrack Prophile on Mudge by Phrack Staff 08K 5. Introduction to Telephony and PBX systems by Cavalier 100K 6. Project Loki: ICMP Tunneling by daemon9/alhambra 10K 7. Project Hades: TCP weaknesses by daemon9 * 38K 8. Introduction to CGI and CGI vulnerabilities by G. Gilliss * 12K 9. Content-Blind Cancelbot by Dr. Dimitri Vulis 40K 10. A Steganography Improvement Proposal by cjm1 06K 11. South Western Bell Lineman Work Codes by Icon 18K 12. Introduction to the FedLine software system by Parmaster 19K 13. Telephone Company Customer Applications by Voyager 38K 14. Smashing The Stack For Fun And Profit by Aleph1 66K 15. TCP port Stealth Scanning by Uriel * 32K 16. Phrack World News by Disorder 109K Total: 575K el Duke de Sicilia